Caring heart nursing home Heredia
Magazines and Presentations |
Pértega, E. (2016). Decision-making procedure towards utilization of restraints with minors. Madrid: Editorial Académica Española. Pértega, E. (2016). Medical researchers’ decision-making process concerning the usage of actual restraints in inpatient pediatric psychiatric units (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest. Naegle, M., Pértega, E., Serrano, P. facets associated with physical restraints in inpatient pediatric psychiatric devices: An integrative review. Submitted for publication (Journal of United states Psiquiatric Nurses Association). Under modification. Talk at II Meeting about Nursing Research of Cátedra UAM-FUDEN. “International Perspective in nursing research: exactly what do we discover and so what can we add?”. Autonoma University of Madrid. November twenty-first, 2013. Poster presentation at ENRS 2013, representing NYU College of Nursing at Early PhD poster session. “Factors associated with the use of physical restraints in inpatient pediatric psychiatric devices: An integrative review”. 17-19 April 2013. Boston (MA), USA. Poster presentation at 4th yearly CUGH (Consortium of Universities for worldwide wellness) “Building an Interdisciplinary wellness Proofessional analysis Team a nyc University and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia: A feasibility research”. March 14-16, 2013. Washington. American. Poster presentation at 2012 State regarding the Science Congress on Nursing Research “Development of a self-care input for Hispanic elder Adults with Heart Failure”. September 2012. Washington. United States Of America. Publication within digital mag NURE Investigación ( as primary composer of the investigation task “Efectividad de un programa formativo en enfermería transcultural sobre aspectos de la salud psychological en hijos de inmigrantes entre 12 y 17 años diagnosticados de síndrome de estrés por traslado” posted in number 44 (January- February 2010) of NURE Investigación, internacional magazine list on information base CUIDEN and CINAHL, with (ISSN 1697-218 X), offered at url: |