Costa Rica plastic surgery prices
Board Certified Plastic Surgeons in Costa Rica
You've got reached this page because these health practitioners focus on your process
Plastic Surgeon
Board Certified
Board Certified. Member, Costa Rican Association of Plastic Surgeons; Certified Specialist, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Costa Rica College of Doctors and Surgeons, Dr. Araya focuses primarily on every area of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and is known worldwide for his surgical and aesthetic skills. He could be a professional throughout regions of moderns plastic surgery.
- Professors user, JCI-accredited CIMA Hospital.
- Provides wide range of plastic cosmetic surgery treatments.
- Personal post-op followup.
- Fluent English as well as other languages.
- Responses e-mails promptly.
Dr. Gustavo Chavarria, M.D.
Internet Site
Plastic Surgeon
Board Certified, International associate, United states community of cosmetic or plastic surgeons (ASPS), International prospect, United states Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), Member, Costa Rica Association of vinyl, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (ACCPRE), Dr. Chavarriais among the list of very top surgeons and offers a complete range of plastic and reconstructive surgery processes. Admitted to all significant JCI-accredited hospitals and surgery facilities.
- Professor of Procedure at Significant Universities.
- Faculty, JCI-Accredited Los Angeles Catolica Hospital.
- Personal post-op follow up.
- Responses email messages immediately.
Dr. Manuel Chacon, M.D.
Cosmetic Surgeon Board Certified. Associate, American community of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Associate, Costa Rican Association of Plastic Surgeons (ACCPRE), Residency, University of Paris, France, Fellow, vinyl, Reconstructive and Aesthetic procedure, Paris, France, cosmetic surgery and Maxillofacial Department, Central Hospital, Nancy, France, and team Surgeon, CIMA Hospital, San Jose, Costa Rica. Dr. Chacon is a prominent plastic surgeon and performs the full selection of advanced surgeries utilising the newest minimally invasive methods.
- Advanced cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.
- Professors, all Costa Rica JCI-Accredited Hospitals
- Proficient English, French and Spanish.
- Answers emails immediately!
ArrivaCostaRica.com Board Licensed Cosmetic Surgeons in Costa Rica
Notice: All cosmetic or plastic surgeons in Costa Rica tend to be certified because of the Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica.
Medical practioners can also be board certified when you look at the U.S. the word Board Certified or Board official certification as used in this web site means
certified in Costa Rica. For more information on certified cosmetic surgeons in Costa Rica please see