Technology Help For Seniors


Helping seniors with technology
March 13, 2017

Helping seniors with technology

Technology has come a considerable ways throughout older grownups lifetimes. They have witnessed from males landing on moon to remarkable health…

Technology help for seniors
November 8, 2016

Technology help for seniors

By Sarah Stevensen, Forget mastering simple tips to program the VCR—the technology seniors have actually their particular eyes on these days…

How to help older people?
December 11, 2016

How to help older people?

Loneliness and social isolation were plainly connected to poor health effects. “” by Nicholas R. Nicholson published into the Journal of main…

Ways to help old people Heredia
November 11, 2016

Ways to help old people Heredia

Today I heard the news headlines of Pedro López de Heredia s moving. He was 85 together withn t been really for a few many years. I found him…

Home help AIDS Heredia
August 16, 2016

Home help AIDS Heredia

Alumni Spotlight: Javier Heredia Javier Heredia is an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University graduate whom received his degree in Aeronautical…